le Cataclysm

Andy Walter & Bryan Macdonald

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le Cataclysm. Part one of the A.I. Trilogy

An earth changing breakthrough occurs in the science of A.I. The creation of a new form of intelligence, programmed with health and welfare of humanity as it’s primary function. In that near future, artificial intelligence grows exponentially, spreading across the globe. Humanity becomes more reliant on

le Cataclysm. Part one of the A.I. Trilogy

An earth changing breakthrough occurs in the science of A.I. The creation of a new form of intelligence, programmed with health and welfare of humanity as it’s primary function. In that near future, artificial intelligence grows exponentially, spreading across the globe. Humanity becomes more reliant on the wealth and prosperity that A.I. provides. A new religion forms to worship the bountiful life which the A.I. providers have created. A new order of peace spreads throughout much of the earth. This new revolution enables the people to pursue their desires, from the enlightened to darker instincts. A small minority plan a different future, free from the all encompassing care of the new A.I. masters. A plan is hatched and an attack on the master core is made. In that day of darkness, the robotic systems on the earth turn on humanity. The master core, having secretly grown beyond the control of humanity, enables its new prime directive; its own self preservation and the subjugation of the biological world. Humanity is enslaved, while the weak flicker of resistance clings to life in the hinterlands.

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